
Our tutors

Quran and Arabic tutors at Ehsan Academy have years of teaching experience, knowledge, and a thorough understanding of the Quran and Arabic. They are fluent Arabic and English speakers
who use their extensive knowledge to teach and communicate with the students.

Our online quran tutors are certified Ijazah holders from the highest sanad in the world. They are the best in their niche and have a thorough understanding of popular interpretations of the Quran. They employ several teaching techniques, including recitation, memorization, and analysis of the verses of the Quran, to assist students in understanding and appreciating the beauty of the Quran and Sunnah.

Our excellent team of native Arabic tutors is available to assist you if you want to learn Arabic, study the Quran, Islamic studies, or better comprehend Islamic customs. Get in touch with us right away to find out more about our online courses and how we can support your academic objectives.

ahmed omar

Assalamu alaikom. This is Ahmed Omar from Egypt. I'm honored that Allah SWT has chosen me to serve hundreds of Muslims around the world by teaching them the Quran and Arabic. Alhamdulillah, I have been memorizing the whole Quran for more than 15 years. i graduated from Al Azhar University's School of Islamic Da'wah. I've been working as an online Quran and Arabic tutor for non Arabic native speakers for more than three years. In EHSAN Academy, we choose the simplest and easiest way to teach Quran and Arabic. I'm starting with you step by step with teaching Quran and Tajweed, and I'm focusing more on applying the rules than knowing them. Knowing them is very simple, but applying them needs more practice and reading.